EL Season 1 | Final Seedings

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  1. Kyon_

    User deleted

    Before we present the Final Seedings, there are a few points I wish to point out:

    - Playoffs: YES or NO (Team REPs in the division will decide, along with the Division Admin, if they are going, or not, to play Playoffs).

    - Default EL Match days will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If one of the two teams won't show up, even for Sunday night, it's gonna be a free win for the opponent team. If none of the two teams is going to show up, even for Sunday night, the match is going to end in a draw of 100-100, and the match will NOT be re-playable.

    With that out of the way, we present to you, the Final Seedings for the 1st Season of Elite League.

    Division 1: Cataquack
    Λx | Λpex
    EXO | Explorers of Time
    GUN | Team GUN
    R- | Remake
    Za* | Za*

    Division 2: Chain Chomp
    APE | Team APE
    I$ | In$ane
    Mt | Multiverse
    Sn | Sinister

    Division 3: Wiggler
    4DR | 4 Dark Racers
    GH | Golden Haze
    HS | Hispania
    υX | Universe

    Week 1 matches should start this week, good luck to the teams participating in Season 1.
    Standings and schedule will be released soon.

    Edited by #P10 - 3/8/2018, 01:14
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